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Hi, I’m Florent Canale. Originally, Anomaly Spectre was my name as a musician, but over time and through various projects, it has also come to represent my visual creations and collaborative works. Here, you’ll find some of those projects, as well as visual and musical experiments, my writings, and anything else that comes to mind.
I’m a multidisciplinary artist with a passion for all forms and expressions of art. Filmmaking, animation, sculpture (currently digital), illustration, writing, video mapping, video games, scenography, music, etc. These are all tools. Powerful tools that serve and support what drives my life: storytelling.
When I say “my life,” I also mean “our lives.” Storytelling isn’t just about fiction, entertainment, History, current events, or creating content for social media. Storytelling is with us every day, in every event, every gesture, every thought.
During my student years, I developed an artistic concept that served as the common thread for my projects. I called it: the universal portrait.
The idea was to present/represent, in a single work, our collective portrait. We, ourselves, as humans, and We, as social avatars.
Our traits, our thoughts, and our bodies. Our strengths and weaknesses. That spark that drives us to discovery and creation but also the shadow of possession and destruction. That unites us, yet also divides us. Our differences in vision, opinions, and culture, alongside our shared deepest truths: our pursuit of happiness, our dreams, our fears, our journey and our individual paths. Us, as a community. Us, as individuals.
An honest portrait, sometimes glorious in certain aspects, sometimes critical of others. Ensuring no part of who we are is forgotten. This concept led me to explore psychology and sociology alongside my artistic work, observing, questioning, and seeking understanding.
Back then, I couldn’t have imagined that this idea would still captivate me 20 years later. Today, I continue to expand my creations and ambitions, striving to tell our story. To awaken a deeper awareness of ourselves and share it through narratives, images, sounds, and experiences. There’s so much more I could say about this, but instead, I choose to express it through my art.
I truly believe that the best way to tell Our story is by creating it together.
That’s why, I’m open to collaborating on artistic projects. This is one of many reasons, as sharing the journey and the artistic process not only enriches a project but also deepens our humanity.
This belief also inspired me to create Tryth, a studio dedicated to artistic productions, currently focused on animated films, to expand and share this collective narrative.
Currently based in Paris, France, but open to going anywhere that brings creativity to life.